- виховувати у учнів почуття прекрасного;
- виховувати повагу до історії США;
- провести практику мовленнєвої діяльності: монологічної, аудіювання;
- ознайомити учнів із лексикою з теми «День подяки»;
- розвивати творчу фантазію, ініціативу в здійсненні іншомовної мовленнєвої діяльності;
- розвивати між предметні зв’язки (з історією).
Welcome to our Thanksgiving party! To begin with we would like to tell you the history of this kind holiday- Thanksgiving Day.
Interpreter: Ми раді вітати вас на нашому святі, присвяченому Дню подяки і хотіли б розповісти вам історію його виникнення.
Author: In 1620 on the 22nd of December a ship named the Mayflower brought 102 Englishmen to the rocky coast of what is now Massachusetts, 1 of the 50 states of the USA.
I: 22 грудня 1620 року корабль під назвою «Травнева квітка» привіз 102 англійців до скелястого берегу теперішнього Массачусетса, 1 из 50ти штатів США.
A: The ship’s passengers were Puritans – members of a religion sect which was unpopular in Britain because they wanted to reform the church of England.
I: Пасажирами корабля були Пуританці- члени релігійної секти, яка була заборонена у Британії, тому що її метою була реформа англійської церкви. ( На сцену виходять представники команди пілігримів).
Pilgrim1: We are Puritans.
Pilgrim2: We became ‘Pilgrims’ because we were traveling in search of religious freedom. We came to America to practice our religion freely.
І: Ми стали пілігримами, тому що подорожували у пошуках вільного віросповідання. Ми прибули до Америки, щоб мати змогу вільно молитися.
A: The people living in America were Native Americans or American Indians.
I: Люди, які населяли Америку були Корінними Американцями або Американськими Індіанцями. (вихід представників команди індіанців).
A: When the Pilgrims landed they founded the colony called Plymouth.
I: Коли Пілігрими зійшли на берег, вони заснували колонію під назвою Плімут.
А: They had only the belongings that they had brought on the small ship!
The winter was so cold! They were starving and nearly half of them died…
І: Із речей у них було лише те, що вони змогли взяти із собою на корабель. Зима була дуже холодною і майже половина з них померла тієї зими.
A: They became good friends with Indians and lived with them in peace.
I: Але вони здружилися з індіанцями і жили з ними мирно.
А: They helped the Pilgrims. They showed them how to hunt, to fish and plant crops.
І:Вони допомогли пілігримам, навчивши їх полювати, рибалити та вирощувати зернові на нових для пілігримів землях.
A: Thanks to the help of Indians, the Plymouth settlers had a good harvest the next fall.
I: Завдяки допомозі індіанців поселенці Плімута зібрали хороший врожай наступної осені.
A: In October 1621 they had 3-day feast of deer, fish and wild turkey and invited Indians to it.
I: В жовтні 1621 року вони організували 3денне свято з олениною, рибою і дикою індичкою та запросили індіанців на нього.
A: Pilgrims thanked God for his blessings.
I: Пілігрими дякували Богу за його благословіння.
A: The 1st Thanksgiving Day was a great success!
I: 1ий День Подяки мав великий успіх.
A: President Abraham Lincoln established Thanksgiving as an official national holiday.
I: Президент Авраам Линкольн зробив День Подяки офіційним національним святом.
A: Now every year on the 4 th Thursday of November American families and friends gather, have a feast and give thanks.
I:Тепер щороку в 4ий четвер листопада американські сім’ї та друзі збираються за столом і промовляють слова подяки .
Звучить пісня"My Bonnie is Over the Ocean".
My Bonnie is over the Ocean My Bonnie is over the Sea My Bonnie is over the Ocean Oh, bring back my Bonnie to me
Bring back
Bring back
Bring back my Bonnie to me, to me
Bring back my Bonnie to me, to me
Last night as I lay on my pillow
Last night as I lay on my bed
Last night as I lay on my pillow
I dreamt that my Bonnie was dead.
Корабель забираємо. Виходить група дітей і читає вірш:
T for time to be together,
turkey, talk, and tangy weather.
H for harvest stored away,
home, and health, and holiday.
A for autumn's frosty art,
and abundance the heart
N for neighbors, and November,
nice things, new things to remember.
K for kitchen, kettles' croon,
kith and kin expected soon.
s for sizzles, sights, and sounds,
and something special that abounds.
That spells THANKS — for joy in living and a jolly good Thanksgiving.
Вірш Harvest(звуки дзвоника)
The boughs do shake and the bells do ring,
So merrily comes our harvest in,
Our harvest in, our harvest in,
So merrily comes our harvest in.
We've ploughed, we've sowed.
We've reaped, we've mowed.
We've got our harvest in.
Танець під музику в стилі «Country».
Scene "Pilgrims in Plymouth"
Narrator. The pilgrims came from England in the year of 1620 and sailed to America. They wanted to have the freedom to practice their own religion they believe in so they set out to live away from England. When the pilgrims arrived in Plymouth, Massachusetts Winter was coming and they soon found out that they did not have enough food for everyone to survive the winter.
Pilgrim. What can we do? There is no enough food for everyone to survive the winter.
P i 1 g r i m 2. We must pray and only hope the winter is not to harsh and that the food stretch to feed all the bellies in our little town.
Narrator. Sadly, the food did not last. The pilgrims lost 46 people that winter to disease and starvation. But when the spring came the pilgrims were surprised to find new friends. Native Americans came to them, to offer help and guidance.
Massasoit. I am Massasoit of the Wampanoag tribe. We have lived on this on this land for many years and know how to grow a lot of food and build shelter. Who are you?
William Bradford. I am the leader of this town, Plymouth and of the pilgrims. We are from England and wanted to practice our religion freely so we travelled here by ship. Sadly, the winter was very hard and 46 of our people have died because we did not have enough food. Will you teach us how to grow food on this land.
Massasoit. Yes, we will.
N a r r a t o r. So the pilgrims and Native Americans became friends. The Native Americans showed the pilgrims how to catch fish, grow corn, and where to collect berries and nuts. In the Autumn, when the crops were brought in to be stored. William Bradford, the leader of the pilgrims had an idea to have a feast to celebrate the new friendship with the Native Americans and to give thank to God for the food.
Bradford. We will have a feast to celebrate our good fortune in meeting the Native Americans and to thank God for this food and beautiful land.
P i 1 g r i m. We invite you to eat with us today in celebration of our bountiful harvest and to thank you for helping us how to grown crops.
Native American. Thank you. You have prepared a beautiful feast and we will eat with you.
Narrator. The Native Americans sat down with the pilgrims together giving thanks for the food and friendship. The feast lasted 3 days. They ate fish, dried fruit, corn, nuts, and pumpkins. The holiday Thanksgiving did not become a practiced tradition in the United States until president Abraham Lincoln declared that the 4th Thursday of every November a national holiday. Today this holiday is celebrated a little differently then when it was first created. Families and friend come together from all over the world sometimes and meet for one day of feasting. This brings us to the Smith family who have gathered on Thanksgiving together at the smith family house.
Narrator. Mothers and fathers roast turkeys and sometimes hams. The turkey are stuffed with a filling called stuffing which consists of bread crumbs, vegetables, nuts and fruit. Families will play American football and soccer this day. In the
evening when the turkey has cooked
for 6-8 hours, the friends and families will sit join with their nicest dishes and eat a feast. They cat turkey, ham, potatoes, corn, green bean casserole, cranberry, cranberry sauce, sweet potato casserole with marshmallows, many salads, bread, and for dessert pumpkin pie or cake. Before eating some families say a prayer giving thanks for all the food. Also, each person says what they are thankful for by going the table. Some Americans say the best things about Thanksgiving is the turkey sandwiches the day after but others say being with their families is the best part and they look forward to it every year.
Scene "In the Kitchen"
(Scene Mother and Son cooking in the kitchen, Father and Daughter watching television in the family room) Звучить мелодія
Mrs. Smith. The turkey is almost done, John. Did you make the mashed potatoes and set the table?
John. Yes, Mom. I even put out the bread and cranberry sauce. Arc we using the best china for thanksgiving dinner tonight?
Mrs. Smith. Yes. What is your father and sister doing? Watching the football game? Are the Chargers Winning?
Mr. Smith. Yes, the Chargers are finally winning the game? But it's only the 3rd quarter. Is dinner ready yet?
Mrs. Smith. Yes, I've carved the turkey and John set the table. Let's sit down and eat.
Усі сидять за столом.
Bipш"Apple Pie"
Apple pie.
Pumpkin pie,
Turkey on the dish!
We can see
We can eat
Everything we
Wish, wish, wish, wish.
Grandma's here.
Grandpa's here,
Cousins bring and gay
Aunts and uncles
Share with us this good Thanksgiving
Day, day. day, day.
Thank you, God,
Thank you, God,
For good things to eat
Thank you also
For this day
Then we with friendly hearts
Do meet, meet, meet.
Bipm "I Ate too Much"
I ate too much turkey,
I ate too much corn,
1 ate too much pudding and pie,
I'm stuffed up with muffins
And much to much stuff in",
I'm probably going to die.
I pilled up my plate
And I ate an I ate,
But I wish I had known when to stop,
For I'm so crammed with yams.
Sauces, gravies, and jams
That my buttons are starting to pop.
I'm full of tomatoes
And French fried potatoes.
My stomach is swollen and sore,
But there's still some dessert,
So I guess it won't hurt
If I cat just a little bit more.
Narrator. Many Americans typically watch an American Football games and the annual Macy's Day Parade on television while they wait for the turkey to cook. It can take 7 to 8 hours for some turkeys to cook in an oven. Some families eat in the afternoon but the Smiths eat in the evening. While the turkey cooks all the other dishes are prepared including dessert.
(Scene — around a dinning room table)
Mrs. S m i t h. Let us say a blessing for all this wonderful food. Allie will you say the blessing tonight?
(The whole family holds hands.)
(Усі читають молитву вдячності та пошани англійською та українською мовами.)
• Ти живий . Це означає, що ти можеш змінити все в своєму житті.
You are alive. It means, that you can change everything in your life.
• Ти маєш їжу на столі.Це означає, що ти можеш вижити, щоб усе змінити.
• You have food on your table. It means you can survive to change everything.
• Тебе любить хоч одна людина. Це означає, що ти знайдеш мужність, щоб усе змінити.
• If you are loved by only person. It means you will find courage to change everything.
• Ти живеш у країні, що заохочує досягнення. Це означає, що ти зможеш знайти підтримку, якщо захочеш усе змінити.
• You live in the country, which stimulates achievements. It means, you can find support if you want to change everything.
Подяка один одному.
Mr. Smith. While we are eating why don't we go around the table and say what we are thankful for. I'll start. I am thankful for my wonderful family.
Mrs. Smith. I am thankful for my family and our good health.
A11 i e. I am thankful for my friends and my new pink shoes.
J o h n. I am thankful for my dog Sparky and our nice house.
(Family continues to eat) Narrator. Many families practice the traditions of prayer before the meal and going around saying what they are thankful for. They will eat turkey, ham, green beans, bread, mashed potatoes, sweet potato casserole, cranberry sauce, salads, and different types of pies or cakes for dessert. Man people look forward to the turkey sandwiches the day after thanksgiving but others look forward to spending time with their friends and family too.
Усі йдуть зі сцени.Залишаються 3 учні.
Bipш "Thanksgiving"
Thank you
For all my hands can hold
Apples red
And melons fold.
Yellow corn
Both ripe and sweet.
Peas and beans
So good to cat!
Thank You
For all my eyes can see
Lovely sunlight,
Field and tree.
White cloud-boats
In sеa-deep sky.
Soaring bird
And butterfly.
Thank You
For all my cars can hear —
Birds' song echoing
Far and near,
Songs of little Stream, big sea,
Cricket, bullfrog,
Duck and bee!
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